Supplemental Parent Class (2 Hours)

Newly licensed teen drivers are not necessarily safe drivers. Parents are the first and best source for teaching their children. Safe driving skills are developed over time and a parent’s role continues even after they receive their license.

Traffic crashes are the leading killer of Minnesota teens. Inexperience, distractions, risk-taking and poor seat belt compliance are the primary factors.

Learn the importance of playing a role in developing the safe driving skills of your youth.

View a video that presents stories of Minnesota youth and families impacted by crashes.

This class will provide information concerning:

  • Graduated driver licensing
  • Safety risks associated with novice drivers
  • The potential influence of adults on novice driver behaviors
  • Additional resources.

This program is taught by one of our highly trained instructors.

Cost is $25 per person.

Call or email us for more details or to register: